Detailed description of contents
Japan Post, the company we use to deliver our parcel, asked us to write down the details of the parcel. We specifically wrote "coffee equipment," but in that case, they said they couldn't rule out the possibility that the parcel contained items that couldn't be shipped by air, and air routes to Hokkaido and Okinawa in particular couldn't be used, so it would take longer to deliver the parcel to the customer.
However, since the number of characters for the contents is limited to 20, we have decided to change the wording as follows.
Old: Coffee equipment New: Coffee equipment (excluding items that cannot be carried on board air transport)
Currently, none of the products we handle contain items that cannot be loaded onto aircraft, such as lithium-ion batteries, however, there are circumstances in which the transporter cannot treat a non-zero possibility as zero, which is why we have made this change.
In addition, when Paragon's Golden Tamas are sent via Yamato Transport, you will be asked repeatedly at the time of issuing the shipping slip and at the time of reception whether they contain any dangerous items, so the name of the item will remain coffee equipment.