The store address has changed

A URL acts like an address on the Internet, but our store used an address that was rented for the company URL. (This is called a subdomain.)

Before opening, I thought a subdomain would be fine, but because the parent domain is, when I told people our name was, they would ask me to repeat how to spell "hatte" and there would be several dots, so I thought it would be a bit difficult.

So I decided to acquire a new domain. Actually, I had several candidates in mind, and I was wondering whether I should adopt it or not, but then we decided that "I want a domain that is easy to talk about and remember," and before I knew it, I decided to adopt it.

However, domains that are easy to remember are called premium domains, and can only be purchased at a premium price. In the case of premium domains owned by a specific company, you may only need to pay a lump sum when transferring the domain, and then pay the set annual fee, but if the premium domain is set when the domain is created, the initial fee will be charged when you renew it the following year. Since it is a fixed cost like rent, it is difficult to introduce it easily.

However, there is nothing that can replace a simple URL that can be communicated quickly verbally, and for a new roaster like ours, it is essential that as many people as possible know about us. Premium domain fees also have an aspect of advertising costs. In that case, you can compare the monthly advertising costs with the performance you are likely to get and determine whether the domain fee is high or low.

Sorry for the long introduction, but the URL is now much shorter and easier to understand. The new URL is

If you are reading this blog, you should already be viewing it under the new domain. With the change in URL, the branding will also change, but we plan to change this gradually.

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