Collection: Anaerobic raw beans
Anaerobic means anaerobic fermentation. For convenience, we refer to beans that undergo the fermentation process as anaerobic. It is categorized as (Farmented).
During the normal refining process, the beans are soaked in water to eliminate oxygen, and fermentation is carried out using the power of bacteria that can thrive in such an environment. In addition to water, various other ingredients are used for soaking, such as juice squeezed from coffee cherries. This makes the flavor more unique and prominent, allowing you to experience coffee flavors you have never experienced before.
As a rule, we do not handle beans that use ingredients other than coffee-derived ingredients in the fermentation process. If we do handle beans that use ingredients other than coffee-derived ingredients, we make sure to clearly indicate the ingredients used during fermentation.
Fermented coffee, such as anaerobic coffee, has a short history and is often treated as a gimmick by farms. At our shop, we carefully taste the beans and deliver only those that we can confidently recommend.