Notice regarding the volume change of bonus beans

Regardless of the amount or quantity of your purchase, our store includes 45g of free beans with each order. We have been fighting the recent price hikes in raw materials, but with the price hikes of 20% to 30% that have been occurring every time we switch to new beans, we are no longer able to cover this increase through management efforts alone.

However, as we would like to maintain the price of the beans as much as possible, we will be changing the way we provide our speciality bonus beans, which have been quietly supported by our customers, as follows.

45g per order

If you order 90g: 15g
For orders over 180g: 30g
For orders of 450g or more: 45g

In the case of 30g or 45g, it may be divided into 15g portions.
The source of the bonus beans is mainly beans left over from roasting for large customers or beans roasted for bonuses. With this change, we will be able to use beans left over from roasting for small customers as bonus beans, which will result in fewer opportunities to roast beans for bonuses.

Although it will not be enough to cover the increase in raw material costs, by gradually optimizing waste in our management, we will strive to avoid easily passing on costs and maintain the value we can provide to our customers.

The changes will take effect from today.

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